Welcome to my blog about
instruction. I started teaching in Umatilla, Oregon in 1979 after graduating
from Oregon College of Education, now Western Oregon University. During my 31
years of elementary classroom instruction I taught kindergarten, first, second,
third, fourth and sixth grades. The last five years I was an instructional
coach for the school district. Looking for a new challenge in 2008, I began
teaching education classes for Eastern Oregon University at one of their site
locations. I accepted a full time position in 2009. Being immersed into the higher
education environment led me to return to school and obtain my Doctorate in
Education and Instruction.
My goal with this blog is to share
information and strategies I have learned over the years to assist others to help
their students excel at the highest level. If you have questions or are having
struggles let me know and I’ll share what I have learned and is
researched-based but most important effective.
Education and learning are still
happening today as they always have been but the environment and materials are
not the same, therefore our classrooms today should not look like they did when
our grandparents attended school. You are on the forefront of impacting change
for the future. Thank you for accepting
the challenge.
Dr. Scott